I was pretty happy when I found these...... They all made my brain explode which is messy and very time consuming to repair. I have nothing else to say just enjoy. Oh and go see tomnel's blog.
Rich Woodall of Johnny Raygun fame did these two yes that's right two gems right here. Just gaze upon them and love them. If you have never read Johnny Raygun you are missing out big time, it's a fun book.
I'm going to assume you know the quote. YildirayCinar busted out this bad boy, and was kind enough to shoot me a PM on the Image Comics Forum with a link. Cinar is the artist on Noble Causes, if you are not aware. If you need to see some more art go here.
Guest week begins, with one from the Doc !!!! This one if from EvanShaner, and it's Kirbylisious !! Mister Miracle is in my top 5 favorite characters of all time, and Doc Shaner has made him look pretty slick! Since I have discovered Evan's work he has easily become one of my favorite artisits, everyone please go check him out here and here.
I sure am !!! So far so good, I feel the build up and can only wait and see the rebirth of the 4th World as the 5th World !!!
Lets hope this guy makes it through in fine form. Mike Cho should be doing a Kirby book, I'd like to see a kids version of the Forever People with Cho on art !!! Check his site in the Boomtube!!!