Wednesday, December 26, 2007

hmmmm I think I need to post something.

FastBack he's dead by the way, at least for now.
This was drawn by Logan Lubera, it's got some Kirby crackle.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Bernadeth !!!!

This is probably one of my favorite sketches. It's Bernadeth from the Female Furies, a little bit of a lesser know character. J-Bone did this one up nice! J-Bone is insanely talented, he was working on the Spirit making it look like gold!!! Now he's a superstar.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Vunderbar !!!!

Check it !! Vunderbar by Aaron Lopresti. It's cool.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Mister Miracle may be the only one left !!!!

Mister Miracle might be the only survivor of the Death of the New Gods mini series. Lets hope DC does them some justice in a relaunch and keeps them around. There is a crazy rumor that Bat Man will die and become a New God with the rise of the 5th World. Anyway this was one of the first Mr. Miracle sketches done in my sketch book by the very talented Jeremy Haun.

Jeremy currently has some great original art up on Ebay -

Ironman/Captain America Page
New Excalibur 2 page spread
Leading Man page
Redneck Zombies page
GI Joe Special missions Manhattan page
Reto Pin up girl
Battle Hymn page

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Vykin... yup just Vykin !!!

What you have here is a sketch of Vykin. Back when Jack Kirby originally wrote the Forever People he was Vykin the Black, and now just Vykin. As a kid I never drew the link of him being a black man and being called the black, the sweet innocence of youth. He has always been a favorite of mine, he carried around the Mother Box. As a kid I have about 5 issues of Newgods, Forever People and Mister Miracle all together. I did not have a total picture, or a clear idea of what was going on. I did know that the Mother Box was the end all and be all of rad future tech and Vykin got to rock the Mother Box, so he was the man. !!!

This sketch was done by Dustin Nyguen . He has also done a Supes/Bats New Gods sotry just recently. Story and art are both great!!! Check out his blog he's super talented.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

The only thing missing is Kirby crackle !!!

This is what the NEW GODS should look like !!!!

I previously posted a bunch of Cory Walker NEW GOD sketches. Well Jason Latour took a few of them, stuck them all together, tossed some magic that is Latour at it and we get this....

That's pretty radtastic !!!
Jason and Cory

Sunday, October 28, 2007

When the New Gods are on earth they like to visit....

My Buddy Geoff's blogs. Why am I mentioning them? Well we go to the same comic cons so we have a bunch of sketches by the same artists. Go check out Sketches from an Unknown Restaurant and Hanna Barabera Town

Friday, October 26, 2007

Who's the coolest female character ever ???

That's right Big Barda !!! She's so cool, super strong, super tough and she has battle armor!! This great sketch was done by Ramon Perez who also loves this character. Check here for his Mister Miracle and Barda Poster -
Or just check him out with the links in the BOOMTUBE !!!!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Death of the New Gods is out......

It was meh.....

I re-read it and it was double meh. To me Stralin does not have a solid grip on the characters. They do not seem to be in character, just poor imitations of themselves and the art on many of them does not fit. Mister Miracle and Metron most of all.

Some New Gods died.

I'll keep buying this only because I'm a sucker, but I would recomend it to no one.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

WOW look at all the 4th Worlders !!! Thanks to Cory Walker !!!

Great Booming Boom Tubes !!!! We have in order...Fastback, Black Racer, The Guardian, Forager x2, Lightray x2, Orion, Darkseid, Mister Miracle x2, and Big Barda x2. I really like that Cory has done so many of my favorite characters on his sketch blog right here check out the blog for tons more.

Yildiray Cinar's Killer Kalibak the cruel !!!

Check this out !!! Our First guest this week !!!

How great is that! Probably one of the best Kalibaks I've ever seen !!! Yildiray is the artist on Noble Causes. You can find Yildiray at, the dude is amazing! Check him out!!!

Monday, October 1, 2007

Guest week in the 4th World !!!!

This week is going to be guest week !!! What's guest week? Well I'll be posting 4th World art from people who are not in my sketch book. I've posted some before and will probably repost some of it this week as well. There will be some mega rad work, so check back it will be worth it !!!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Metron !!!

Here we have Metron sketched by Ivan Reis. I've always loved Metron especially sonce he just flies around space in a chair, and seems to know everything. I can't seem to locate a site for Ivan or a blog. so just enjoy this pic. !!!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Time to go to Granny's house !!!

Here are two great sketches of Granny Goodness, one from Nate of Hector Plasm fame, and the other from Andy B from Transmission X.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Look kids !!!! It's Orion !!!

The angry god has never looked so cute !!! Chris Giarrusso did this sketch for me and it's one of my favs. Check the Boomtube for a link to his site !!!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Orion of the New Gods !!!

Here is an Orion sketch done by Tom Ryan. It's neat and has it's own style, Orion looks young in it, like it's a kids Saturday morning cartoon.

Monday, August 13, 2007

RIP Mike

Sad news today, Mike Wieringo passed away yesterday. He was an amazing talent and really humble about his work. I had this pic saved on my computer so I figured I'd post it. You'll be missed Mike.

Friday, July 6, 2007

The many faces of Mister Miracle !!!

OK we've got Mark Alfonso, Jeremy Haun, Scott Chantler, Chris Chua, Kalman , and Michael Cho. Check the BOOM TUBE for links to their sites!!!

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Twice the Forager twice the action !!!

Look at the love this character gets !!!

First we have Steve Manale, I have nothing to add it's just a killer sketch. Check out Steve's web comics they are totally rad. Check out Through Boom Tube for a link to his web comic.

Next we have the most recent sketch in my book, Forager by Ramon "Razzle Dazzle" Perez. I swear it was one of the quickest sketches in the book but is really rad. Ramon is crazy talented. Check out Through Boom Tube for links to his web comic and blog. !!!

Friday, June 29, 2007

Forager says: "Don't bug me" !!!

The Jazzy Jason Latour did this super cool Forager sketch for me. Jason is a talent! I check his website pretty much every day to see if he has posted something new. Jason is one of my favs Check him out at

Thursday, June 7, 2007

The Deadly MANTIS !!!

Check out this cool sketch that was emailed to me by Diego Maya !!! Diego has much love for Kirby, he found my blog and asked if he could contribute a sketch. Here it is in all it's glory.

You can fine more of Diego at . His stuff is great !!! I'm a fan for life !!!

Thursday, May 31, 2007

A Tribute !!!

Here is a sketch of Lightray done my Mark Englert, he didn't get the symbol on the chest right but I didn't have any reference with me. It's still really cool.

You can find more Mark goodness at

When Gods die !!!

Today is a sad day..... Lightray is dead, Issue 48 of Countdown.

I've read the issue and it looks like he is gone. It's to bad he is one of my favorite New Gods, he was like Orion's sidekick quite often. Lightray you will be missed.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Kirby a la Cho !!!

Michael Cho is amazing !!! He did a really cool Orion sketch I have yet to scan and post, but he emailed me a couple old 4th World sketches he had done. So I'm posting them here !!! First we have Orion being chased by Paradeamons !!! Orion is probably one of the best known 4th World Characters since he was in he was in Justice league for a short time. Orion was a big player in Cosmic Odyssey and the NewGods book. We have Forager "the Bug" next. He's a favorite of many and was a big part of the Cosmic Odyssey mini series. Mike's depiction of him here is perfect !!!
Check out Mike's site You won't be let down !!!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Desaad !!!

You can't talk about Darlseid with out Desaad. He's Darkseid's lacky, chief torturer, and all around baddie, and given the chance he would turn on Darkseid. He's always been creepy and the Amazin' Andy Lee captured him really well in this sketch.
Check out Andy's site he has some great work there and is a blast to watch him work on a sketch at a con. If you get the chance check him out !!!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Some more Darksied

I asked Phil Hester to draw someone other than Darksied since I had 3 in the book already, but he really wanted to so I let him. It's a kick ass sketch so who can argue? Phil has some great stuff out there, you should pick up Firebreather which he did with Andy Kuhn, and Phil Hester's Oversight: Collected Short Stories 1990-2005. It's really good and and over looked by many. Phil is a favorite of mine and I really look forward to new work from him.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Maybe it's Anti-Life gum ???

More Darkseid
This sketch was done by none other that the Mighty Erik Larsen !!! Erik is my 2nd favorite comic creator, right after Jack Kirby, and a nice guy to boot. If you don't read Savage Dragon you should, it's has some great Kirbyesque stuff in it, you can tell Erik is a fan. I love that Erik has brought some humor to the sketch.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Darkseid my favorite Kirby villan ever !!!

Darkseid fascinated me when I was a kid. I only had a few New Gods and Forever People comics, so I never understood the entire story I just knew he was the bad guy, and always looking for the Anti-life equation. As a kid that seemed to be pretty nasty.

Here is a Darkseid sketch I got from Jon Boy Meyers He has done some really cool 4th World art for the Upperdeck Vs game check out his site. !!!

This is my Fourth World Blog

This Blog is dedicated to Jack Kirby's Fourth World. This is mostly going to be for my sketches I get in my 4th World sketch book. If I find something else of 4th Worldly interest I'll post it as well.

Thanks for looking