What you have here is a sketch of Vykin. Back when Jack Kirby originally wrote the Forever People he was Vykin the Black, and now just Vykin. As a kid I never drew the link of him being a black man and being called the black, the sweet innocence of youth. He has always been a favorite of mine, he carried around the Mother Box. As a kid I have about 5 issues of Newgods, Forever People and Mister Miracle all together. I did not have a total picture, or a clear idea of what was going on. I did know that the Mother Box was the end all and be all of rad future tech and Vykin got to rock the Mother Box, so he was the man. !!!

This sketch was done by
Dustin Nyguen . He has also done a Supes/Bats New Gods sotry just recently. Story and art are both great!!! Check out his blog he's super talented.
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