Friday, October 19, 2007

Death of the New Gods is out......

It was meh.....

I re-read it and it was double meh. To me Stralin does not have a solid grip on the characters. They do not seem to be in character, just poor imitations of themselves and the art on many of them does not fit. Mister Miracle and Metron most of all.

Some New Gods died.

I'll keep buying this only because I'm a sucker, but I would recomend it to no one.


Christian O. said...

So it's like Cosmic Odyssey? Eh. I'll pass. I already know that Starlin, whom I like, just doesn't grasp the New Gods. He turned the Anti-Life Equation into an Anti-Matter Death thingie.

Joel said...

well at least Cosmic Odyssey had Mignola on art. I've liked Starlin in the past just not recently and this really pushes it over the edge for me. Thanks for leaving a comment even though you didn't read it.