Thursday, January 24, 2008

Here is a post for the 2 people who chck out my blog !!!

More Lashina and Stompa "Lite" Logan Lubera did this one and did his own take on Stompa. I'm really looking forward to Con season this year. There has been a lot of New Gods in comics this past year so hopefully more folks will be down with drawing them.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Oh that crazy Kirby...

One thing I loved about Jack Kirby was his ability to create cool looking characters that for the most part were way ahead of the time. This is one of my favorites - Lashina she has a bondage mask type thing going on and carried a whip.!!! This was drawn by Andy B. he did a great job as always. Andy has some work coming up from Wildstorm. More Lashina in a day or two.